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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Meth Lab Components Discovered During Probation Home Visit

   Components commonly associated with the manufacture of methamphetamine were found inside the home of a Leoma man during a visit from probation officers last week, resulting in his arrest.

   According to information released through the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department, narcotics agents accompanied Tennessee Board of Probation and Parole officers in a visit to the 112 Horseshoe Bend Road home of Donald William Katevas.

Agents report that Katevas, who was on probation for prior drug infractions, “Was found to be in possession of several components used to manufacture methamphetamine.”

   Katevas was arrested on charges that include initiation of a process to manufacture meth, promotion of the manufacture of meth, and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was incarcerated at the Lawrence County Detention Center in lieu of a $102,000 bond to await an appearance in General Sessions Court.

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